Learning, Investing, Freedom, and Enriching Trading Group
Does this work for complete beginners?
Yes! Complete beginners should start with Binary Options and PowerX since we do all the heavy lifting for you and you can start trading with as little as $500.
Does this work for experienced traders?
Yes! Experienced traders love trading the Rockwell Strategies and implementing the advanced systems and tools only Rockwell Trading offers like the Simple Strategy and Neuro Analyzer.
Does my age or education matter?
Age doesn't matter. We have traders from 18 and up, and even a few men and women in their 70's & 80's. We have people from every walk of life, from PHD's to high-school dropouts. All it takes is a passion for doing something special and a positive mindset.
Does the software work on Mac?
The software runs on PC only. Which means that if you have a Mac, you will need to install Parallels + Windows in order to run the software. However, we find that most traders have an old PC or PC laptop laying around and they use that. Our servers are doing all the work, so an old PC works just fine to run the software.
Are there any ongoing monthly fees or upgrade fees for the software?
No! Markus hates monthly fees and upgrade fees! This one time offer covers all the data fees and upgrades forever! They are all included in this one time package
Does the software autotrade for me?
PowerX finds the trades for you and tells you when to enter and exit. You place the trades in the brokerage account of your choice.
Does the software work with all brokers?
Yes! Because PowerX finds the trades and tells you when to enter and exit. You place the trades in the brokerage account of your choice.
Do I have to buy anything else?
No! That's why this is The Rockwell Legacy. We want you to have the best tools and systems to give you a solid basis for a lifetime of trading PLUS ongoing LIVE training and support!
[Please note that our high-level Coaching, Mentorships, Private Workshops, Mastermind and Inner Circle are excluded.]
Does this only work for trading stocks and options?
In this The Rockwell Trading Legacy, we have something for EVERY trader:
ALL Traders:
Rockwell Trading Club, Binary Options Alerts
Stocks & Options Traders:
Rockwell Trading Club, PowerX Analyzer, NeuroAnalyzer
Day Traders:
Rockwell Trading Club, Rockwell Indicators
Options Traders:
Rockwell Trading Club, PowerX Analyzer
Futures Traders:
Rockwell Trading Club, Day Trading Quick Start Kit
Binary Options Traders:
Rockwell Trading Club, Binary Options Alerts
Ready to start your journey to financial independence? Join our community and take the first step towards a secure financial future.
Investments involve risk. Please consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
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